Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Council Members

The start of the new year will bring some changes to the Washington City Council. It is true statement that "there is nothing as constant as change."  Beginning in January we say good-bye to Council members Roger Bundy and Mike Heaton. The combined experience of these two council members expand several decades. Both Councilmen Bundy and Heaton have served on numerous city councils as well as planning commissions. Their experience and wisdom has been extremely valuable as they have lead Washington City through the slow years of little growth and no money, to the boom years of rapid growth and strong economic development, to these final years of a challenged growth and a deeply painful recession. It can be certainly said of them, that-they have seen it all. Unless one sits and watches the events unfold, how they affect our city, and the daily leadership provided by a good mayor and council; they can never appreciate the skill and value of these individuals.

I have been very fortunate to work with not only these fine council members but many others who have come and gone. The work that each of these men and women have performed will have an impact upon our community and the lives of our citizens for years to come. I have been privileged to have always worked with completely unselfish individuals. The job of a city councilman is a difficult one. You get complained about often, yelled at occasionally and rarely please everyone at the same time. You spend a lot of time in meetings, talking with citizens, away from your families and for very little compensation; other than to say you served your community. We may not always agree with their decisions but we can't question their love and commitment to this community. It has been said that "opinion is left to those who stand on the sidelines." The men and women who have served on our councils and commissions are individuals who have chosen to leave the sidelines and enter the game, no matter how banged up they might get. It is they who have made the history of Washington City so rich, who have formulated our vision, and lead us into a bright and prosperous future. I appreciate their service.

So, like we have done so many times before, we say good-bye to good friends of this community; grateful that they will continue their role as citizens and say hello to new individuals who will continue to define and lead us. Through it all Washington City will continue to grow and prosper and create a community that "feels like home."

Roger Carter
City Manager